brave young hearts

  • Welcome to Brave Young Hearts!

  • Our Mission

    Focusing on outdoor experiences,
    Brave Young Hearts provides
    Adventures to children
    with terminal or life-threatening diseases....
    for a "chance at normal"

    Psalm 34:18: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed"
    God is close to us even in the abyss of our pain and sorrow.
    He not only recognizes our sorrow and brokenness, but also has the power to come to the aid of us from the deepest anguish.
    This serves as an intense guarantee that God is aware of our heartbreak and offers His solace, and His presence as we negotiate through His will.

    What we are about

    Have you ever dreamed of taking an outdoor trip to somewhere really special? You plan and dream, and dream and plan, and as the day draws near, your excitement and anticipation make you feel like you’re going to burst! Then it happens,... and it’s everything you ever hoped it would be!!!

    The roller coaster effect: once you start the ride, you anticipate that first really big hill...and then... You’re off in a swoosh!!!! Excitement abounds!!!! As soon as the ride is over, you want to do that again!!

    So it is with children that are enduring the fight against terminal or life-threatening diseases. Maybe, just maybe...they dream and plan and plan and dream of doing something special outdoors. This is the reason Brave Young Hearts exists, to grant an adventure, a chance at normal for these kiddos.

    Is there an Outdoor Adventure waiting for someone you know?


Bethany Elaine Slaven

Dedicated to Bethany Slaven

December 30, 2000 – August 31, 2005

Brave Young Hearts is dedicated to the memory of Bethany Elaine Slaven aka "Princess Buttercup" (Papa Bear and Grammy's granddaughter).

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Get Involved

We need you!

Do you have a passion for helping children get a chance at normal?

There are several ways you can get involved:

Volunteer Application

Please contact us if you would like to volunteer your time or resources to this cause.

Donate Now
If you don't have time to assist, no worries! We also accept monetary donations.

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